‘How Microblading Transformed my Confidence’
I had a young client come in to see me this week……
She was very nervous at consultation with lots of questions to ask me about Microblading. Quite quickly I learnt that she had been self conscious about her brows for a very long time. She had been travelling the year before and explained she couldn’t wear make up because of the heat and water.
As a group of girls, everyday there was a topic of conversation about brows and how little she had and by the end of the holiday she knew it was something she wanted to sort out when she got back.
The day of the treatment she was nervous and excited at the same time. I talked her through the whole process and she relaxed very quickly….
Her BEFORE photos….
Once I had finished the whole treatment, I showed her the mirror and her word were ‘I think I’m going to cry’ (with happiness, may I add 🙂 )
I was over the moon at how they looked and her reaction……
These were her AFTER pictures…..
Brows that will stay all day every day 😉
If you would like to come in and see me for a consultation to discuss your brows, call me 07969331624 0r email me info@cullomptonpermanentmakeup.co.uk